Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Class on Hisbodedus Tonight - August 19

Received via e-mail:

Dear Friends,
Tuesday night, August 19, we’ll continue to discuss real-life issues by the light of the wisdom of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
Are you feeling disconnected, under pressure? Do you wish you had someone to talk to, to really talk to? A best-friend who helps you figure out who you are, who you want to be, and how to get there? Someone who always has your best interests at heart? Then hisbodedus, talking to Hashem in your own words, is a practice you might consider including in your life. Even a few minutes a day can have a profound effect on your peace of mind, happiness, and even your relationships.
During the next few classes, we’ll explore concepts related to hisbodedus, explore its practice and mechanics, share inspirational teachings, and more. Weather-permitting, we plan to take a trip to a nearby park to experience the joy of hisbodedus out-of-doors in the safety of a group (for most of us, hisbodedus is usually done at home, indoors).
As Elul approaches, Likutey Moharan, Torah 15, offers some potent insights and inspiration
How Can We Cope with Our Deepest Fears?
Fear and its Relatives
What I Learned about Fear from an Auschwitz Survivor
Lifting Fear Up
The Relief of Self- Evaluation and the Freedom of Judgment
Understanding and the Hidden Light of Hisbodedus
Preparing for Elul with Hisbodedus
We will also begin a new story from Sippurey Maasios, the tales of Rebbe Nachman.

Please feel free to invite a friend. For more information, email me at chayarivka@breslovwoman.org 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Send a Spiritual Protective Edge to IDF Soldiers

From Breslov.org:

Dear Friends of Breslov,

What if I told you that you could give just one dollar and know that an Israeli soldier on the battlefield in Gaza, will receive tremendous inspiration and spiritual strength from your small donation?

I know you want to help the brave young men protecting Israeli men, women, and children. I’m sure you want to give inspiration, hope, and healing to these brave soldiers, and I’m confident you have a dollar (or two) to spare.

Please read our story of the incredible Spiritual Protective Edge that 3000 IDF soldiers already have received, and thousands more have requested.

The Spiritual Protective Edge Story and 1 Dollar Donation Page

Breslov.org team